How many empty seats?

Has anyone else been noticing the empty seats at the NIT venues? Curious, isn’t it, that even a home town team in its home town arena can’t always fill the house. What might this say about what fans think of the NIT? Not much, if Tommy Amaker is any indication.

Empty seats aren’t always cause for concern. Sometimes they’re down right exciting. I sat in on one of Crossroads’ small groups last night and did they ever rock!  I was there to explore with them the opportunities and challenges of helping people new to our church connect in small group life. This small group loves empty chairs. They said, “Send them on over. If we get too large, we’ll figure out what to do with everyone.” Not surprising in light of their group DNA. They were part of a small group that grew huge and launched several new small groups. They have, themselves, launched new small groups. They love each other and they love increasing their circle of friends.

Isn’t this usually true that we tend to think about what we might lose in transition instead of what we might gain? This group sets the bar pretty high. They’re eager to see who they might gain.

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